

Serving Others at ICWW


We are excited to  journey with you to discover who God has made you to be and learn how God will use you as His instrument here at Impact Church Worldwide!


Your very next step is to complete the form below and register for the Volunteer training.


Our training is designed to help you discover your purpose, embrace your passion, and serve out your position in ministry.


Complete the section below.


Q1. Membership

We believe...

  1. The Bible is God's inspired, infallible, and inerrant Word.
  2. The Church is a people, the living Body of Christ and not a building.
  3. Christ as head of the Church, established and nourishes the Church as a cherish body of believers.



Thank you for taking your FIRST stepThat was a power move!

We celebrate your readiness to serve. Being an ICWW volunteer means that the people you serve will link you to US - our body of believers.

And we want to give you a chance to join US and become a member.

So GO ahead and follow the directions below.


Please return to the ICWW home page: 

  1. Select HOME menu at the top of this page
  2. Select Take Your Next Steps button
  3. Follow the directions to get connected


Join our Family today!




Q2. Volunteer

Here at ICWW volunteering is discipleship in action and our superpower to Kingdom expansion! It allows us to do life together and cultivate lasting relationships. Our goal is to strengthen your discipleship muscles! Serving others will create demands on your time, talent, and treasure, and only by building strong discipleship muscles, will you respond to ministry demands as a mature Disciple.

This next section will help you identify your "readiness to serve". Your serve develops your discipleship muscle.

Luke writes about Peter's discipleship muscles in Luke 22:33-34; 54-60. Peter believed that he was ready to serve (and follow Jesus), but Peter had not considered the cost. He learns the bitter truth that he wasn’t ready but then gets ready (by serving others) and becomes a great Apostle with incredible strong discipleship muscles.

Complete the section below to determine your readiness.




Q3. What Is Your Why?

Each of us has a story. You have a story and it is your why to saying “yes, I am ready to serve others.”

We want to know your story and understand your why. 

Please respond to the section below. 

If you are not certain about an answer, simply state "I don't know". We will discover the answer together during the Volunteer training.